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Friday, January 18, 2013

Taking her out: What to do, where to go?

So, you finally asked her out on a date.  To your surprise, she enthusiastically accepts, grabbing your phone and entering her number into your contacts.  Stunned with joy and awe you smoothly fail to make plans for which you were talking to her in the first place.  Wide eyed and petrified, she walks away with smile.  As you snap back to reality, you alarmingly think, "I've never been on a date before."  You panic.  You never call her.   You recess back into your lonely man cave where you will stay hidden for life.  But whatever happened to this girl of your dreams that was so eager to let you take her out?  You missed your chance. 

Rewind back to your first encounter with her.  What did you do wrong?  Well for starters, shove your tongue back into your mouth.  Not even a 5 gallon hat could stop you from making a mess.  More importantly, plan ahead of time.  Think, if there was anything that you would do alone in a normal day, what would it be?  Eat stupid.  Besides the fact that Humans are simply another species of Earthly animal and need to eat to survive, taking her to a popular local restaurant never fails.  And I'm not talking McDonald's Dollar Menu; I'm talking something that will wow her.  To win the girl you must bombard her 5 senses--Sight, Sound, Smell, Touch, Taste--with pleasure.  Take her to lunch at a popular specialty restaurant; a bistro, a cafe, a gimmicky burger joint, etc.  Lunch bars are packed with junk to make her senses go wild.  Once the aura of the occasion captivates her 5 senses, it's steady sailing from then on.  The girl is yours.

See for yourself

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